Monday, January 30, 2017

Adobe Flash Week 3, Assignment #3 - Planes will fly!

Hello!  This week we continued building on our skills by learning how to better manage layers in our animations, and make simple scenes that can ultimately be strung together to make more complex animated movies.  For this assignment you were required to use a minimum of 4 layers to create a background image, a plane flying from one side of your screen to the other while doing a flip in the air as it follows a motion guide. Work to have a very detailed background as you use this as an opportunity to develop new skills using a variety of drawing tools. Remember, the more creativity, the better.  Once you have completed the assignment and posted it to Google Classroom, please embed your video on your blog and respond to the following questions:
  1. Describe the assignment you just completed?  What was the task and what needed to be done in order for you to successfully complete the assignment?
  2. What new skills did you learn from completing this assignment?  Be specific and use correct names for the different tools you needed to use to complete the assignment.  ie Classic Motion Guide, Keyframes, etc.
  3. Was the assignment easy to complete?  Did you have any trouble?  What did you have trouble with and how did you resolve the issue?  What was the most fun aspect of the project and the most challenging?
  4. Besides making a plane fly using these new skills, what other types of animations could you make successfully now using similar tools to the ones used in this project?
Once you have finished all of the assignment requirements for this week, please use any additional time you have (if any) to complete work for your classes that is either due soon or is past due, take a look at the opportunity board posted in Google Classroom, etc.

Thank you!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Adobe Flash Week 2 - Assignment #2

Hello!! Thanks so much for working well on your Motion Guide Animations this week. You are learning a lot of new skills and, while there is still a lot to learn, this first part can often be the steepest of the learning curve!! Stay calm, focus and you'll do great!! A reminder that once you are done with your motion guide assignment, please export it to a Quicktime file and upload to youtube so that it can be easily posted in Google Classroom and embedded on your blog. For more specific instructions, please refer to the assignment handout.

Under the video you post to the blog, please quickly respond to the following:

  • Explain the assignment in your own word for the person who may be viewing this assignment.
  • What were you expected to do to successfully complete this assignment?
  • What were 3 different tools (or more if you want to be extra thorough) that you had to work with in Flash to successfully complete this project?
  • What did you enjoy about this project? What was challenging? Why, when sometimes things are difficult, is it an important characteristic to be resilient?
After completing and posting this assignment, please be sure to also read this weeks lecture and complete the quiz!

Thanks and looking forward to seeing some amazing animations and your skills continue to grow!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Happy New Year!!

Good Morning and Welcome Back!!

It is hard to believe that it has been over two weeks since we have been together!  I bet you missed me :)  In any case, I wanted to start off the morning with a quick recap of your break!  How was it? What did you do?  What was the highlight?  What is one reason you are excited to be back at school?

As a second part to today's post, as you know around the world as the New Year kicks off, people take an opportunity to examine themselves, their lifestyle and goals and are able to focus on how they would like to make a difference starting with yourself in the new year!  Did you make a New Years Resolution?  What are you committed to doing in your life in 2017 and how will it help you be happier, more successful, a better person, etc.  On a secondary level perhaps, what are some goals that you have set for yourself for the second half of the 2016-2017 school year?  Perhaps bad habits you want to break, things you want to do better, goals you want to achieve, etc!  It's a new year, be realistic but dream big :)

Lets kick off the year right with a thorough thoughtful response addressing all parts of the prompt! Thank you and Happy New Year! :)

Monday, January 9, 2017

Adobe Flash Week 1 - Assignment #1

Welcome Back!  Today you will have the opportunity to post your very first animation on your blog.  To do this, be sure to first save your completed animation in your home drive.  Below is a written reminder for how to successfully export and post your animation on your blog.  You can also view the tutorial video here for a visual explanation.
  1. Export your animation by doing the following:
    1. File > Export > Export Movie 
    2. Give your file a name and save as type "QuickTime"
  2. Next, upload your file to your youtube account.
  3. Once the file has been uploaded, grab the embed code (you may have to wait until the file has finished publishing), go to your blog, click the HTML button on the top left and paste that embed code in under the existing code.
  4. Switch back to the "Compose" mode and respond to the following questions:
    1. Name a minimum of 3 different tools that you used.  What does that tool do and how did it help with creating your final animation?
    2. Which tool would you say was the most helpful in creating your animation?  Were multiple tools important?
    3. What did you enjoy about this first Adobe Flash animation?  What was challenging?
    4. Lastly, having been introduced to Adobe Flash and completing this first assignment, what is one thing you would like to learn how to do using this software?
Thank you for your thoughtful feedback!!  I look forward to seeing your creative work.